My Little ATV Project and How to Clean a Carburetor

The little atv

The little atv

So today I got myself a new project. Yeah, I know you’re all saying “really Benjamin! Another project?” Well this really isn’t a long term project. This is just a little Chinese atv that I bought to get running, fix some damage and sell quickly to make a little bit of money which aways helps!

My dad picked me up from my friend Lucke’s house where I had spent the night. My dad and I then drove to the lady’s house who had the atv; I talked to her, paid her, then got the atv in the truck in the matter of three minutes. Dad and I were proud of the pickup speed!

I got it home and I immediately started taking it apart. The first thing you need to do when you buy an atv or dirt bike that has been sitting for a long time and isn’t running is clean the carburetor.

The tools you will need are:

Phillips screwdriver

Flat head screwdriver

Crescent adjustable wrench

Brass brush (or a tooth brush)

You go through the carburetor and clean all the ports.

I did this and put the atv back together and it ran great. I rode it around and realized that the suspension was too bent for it to properly turn, so I took apart the suspension.

The problem was with the front A arms. They were majorly bent. So, I cut them and re-welded them to the proper angle and put it all back together.

Now it was time to have some fun with it!

My friend Thomas and I rode it all over, got stuck in the mud, but had a great time!

Now to get it ready to sell!

I cleaned it up and spray painted the spots were I welded so you would never know it had been in an accident.

I ended up selling the atv to a guy that was buying it for his twin boys for Christmas.  He loved it! He worked me down from my asking price of $400 and paid me $375. I was happy. I put a little work into it and I made $175 and got to have a lot of fun on it.


Tell me what you think!